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Click on the question to reveal the answer. If you have more questions, shoot me an email!

  • How long have you been training dogs?
    For more than thirty years. All breeds. All ages.
  • How do I know a how much training my dog needs?
    Once your dog begins training you have a spot in my program for as long as you (your dog) needs. Your spot awards you priority over the waiting list. We can talk about your goals and the dogs progress as time goes on.
  • Will my dog still remember me after being away at “summer camp” for 8-weeks?
    Yes. Some of my clients come from out of state, as far away as California and don’t see their dogs until they pick them up after the training is finished. When they return it is quite evident, their dogs recognize them and are thrilled to see them! Also, I have noticed when I see a dog that I have trained in the past they remember their ol' friend Kevin. Even though we may have only spent a couple of months together, it's quality time.
  • Will my dog listen to me after she/he is trained by you?
    Yes, lessons with you are included with your dog's in-kennel training. I like to use this computer analogy to explain it: Most people can use a computer, but not everyone can program one. I will program your dog for you and teach you how to use the program.
  • Will my dog still be house-broken after being in a kennel?
    Yes, the kennel is an environment where the dogs are allowed to use the bathroom, just like outside. This is very different from a house, or my barn for instance, where I do a lot of their training.
  • Will my dog be comfortable in-kennel?
    Yes. Each kennel has it's own dog house, with a ramp and a window. I use Stanfield heating pads in the dog houses for winter, and fans during the summer.
  • Does anyone else assist you with the training?
    No. All the training is delivered by me personally.
  • How many dogs do you have in training at a time?
    I only train six dogs at a time. Low volume = High quality.
  • How long will you work with my dog each day?
    It generally takes about an hour, longer if we are working on long stays or taking a “field trip.” Actual training time varies, depending on the stage of your dogs training and their personality and mannerisms. After talking with you and understanding your needs and your dog’s individual characteristics I will determine the path needed to meet your goals. As a trainer, it is my job to teach the skills we discussed, as well as bring out your dog’s unique personality. To succeed it's important to balance work practiced with your dog’s attitude. Your dog's training should be fun for your dog!
  • What happens if my dog needs veterinarian attention?
    Your dog's safety is my priority. If there is ever an emergency, I will first get your dog to treatment, then contact you immediatly following. I prefer all vaccinations are taken care of prior to in-kennel training. However, under certain circumstances, if your dog needs maintenance vaccinations, I will have those done at my local vet’s office.
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